You're Making Me Hate You: A Cantankerous Look at the Common Misconception That Humans Have Any Common Sense Left - Corey Taylor

In case you are wondering...Corey Taylor is that voice inside my head. You know the one. That voice that screams "WHAT THE FUCK?!" at the person who refuses to use common sense on anything in life? Yeah. Totally. That voice is Corey Taylor.

In the tradition of the late great George Carlin, New York Times bestselling author and lead singer of Slipknot and Stone Sour Corey Taylor sounds off in hilarious fashion about the many vagaries of modern life that piss him off. Whether it’s people’s rude behavior in restaurants and malls, the many indignities of air travel, eye-searingly terrible fashion choices, dangerously clueless drivers, and—most of all—the sorry state of much modern music, Taylor’s humor and insight cover civil society’s seeming decline—sparing no one along the way, least of all himself. Holding nothing back and delivered in Taylor’s inimitable voice, You’re Making Me Hate You is a cathartic critique of the strange world in which we find ourselves.

I realize I am reading Corey Taylor's books out of order, starting with the newest book and working my way back. And I totally read other books after reading America 51. In the past month, I have six books, including this one. The other books were different series. BUT, that's neither here no there.

In case you're wondering. yes. I did this book as an audiobook as well, because why not? Like I said, Corey Taylor is that voice in my head.

Let's talk You're Making Me Hate You. Because legit, this book is kinda my life. Everything now-a-days, has been driving me completely coo-coo bananas.

Thankfully, I'm not.

Here's what I love about this book: it's honest. It's honest in that Corey Taylor has proved that he really doesn't give two-fucks about what other people think. All that he is asking, that folks stop and just think for a damn minute. And I suppose if they collaborate and listen, that would be alright as well. There is something refreshing about knowing that all those things that people tell you are annoying pet peeves are completely legitimate problems for other folks. I feel like Taylor vocalizes a lot of what most people feel. There is this understanding that not everything is horrible. Not everyone incompetent. Not everyone is a moron behind the wheel. We are not crazy. Sure, the stories of his antics growing up in Iowa are completely hilarious and fun and relatable, but it's the reflections of those insane times in his life that lead him to learn the lessons that he is sharing with us, the reader.

If there was one thing that kinda niggled me about the book it was the ending. While America 51  had a clear and concise message at the end, this one left a strange sense of "where do we go from here?" and "what's the point of this book?" Taylor seemed to be left wondering exactly the point of his own tale.

But perhaps the ending was that way for us to pin point our own reason for the purpose of our rants over the idiotic things folks in society do today. I felt like, for me, the purpose of the book was perfectly explained right in the middle:
"Can't people just not fucking suck as human beings once in a while? Is that too much to fucking ask? Is it too much to ask to like people for who they are instead of what they have?"
That's some real deep truth, ya'll. And not to get super deep and political and blah, blah, blah on this post, but with all the recent events that have been plaguing our tiny blue planet, it has made my head spin with how some people are just enormous dicks. Like, truly tone deaf and completely insensitive and refusing to use that squishy grey matter rattling in their skulls shouting at the top of their lungs for anyone to hear. So this question, this statement about simply being kind, having the's refreshing.

Do I love this book? Yes. Yes I do.
Do I love it as much as America 51?'s second place
It's second place for me because America 51 is more streamlined. It's centralized really on the social and political climate. You're Making Me Hate You, though a lot of fun and I can totally relate to, just seems a little more jumbled. It's a collection of thoughts about things that piss off and frustrate a majority of the human race. Corey Taylor is simply putting pen to paper (so to speak) and telling it how it is.

I do recommend this book. I recommend this book for those who have read The Subtle Are of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson (which I read a little while back. I should really do a review on that book.). Together, they will blow your mind apart and then put it back together.

Thank you so much for swinging by and reading.
Remember to always be yourself...unless you can be a pirate.
