Inherit Nerdiness?

So life caught up with me. I had a baby. And let me say, being a mom takes it out of you. But, honestly, that's okay. I love my little nerdy baby girl Lorelei. Oh, that's right. She's a nerd from the get go. My husband and I joke around calling her our "A&E baby" because well, when I gave birth to her in the hospital, I had A&E on with a "First 48" marathon playing in the background. A little trippy.

I dreaded going back to work after my maternity leave. Hell, I dreaded going to work before and during my pregnancy. I hate getting up at 4am to work a 10 hour day and be away from my beautiful baby girl and my lovely nerdy husband. Ugh.

But back to my nerdy baby girl. She loves Star Trek! Yes! Star Trek! I know! Awesome! I found Star Trek onesies on (which also have some awesome super hero onesies) but after seeing that they are $12.99 a pop I said " you have cool shit but I don't think you'll be raping me of my dollars today." However, I have devised a plan to make a Star Trek onesie. And if my calculations are correct, I will spend less or equal amound of money making my own onesie. So that's the plan. Get some white onesies, some dye, iron transfer sheets, and then find an old school Star Trek symbol and BOOM! I got myself an awesome Star Trek onesie. I'm also going to make a Wonder Woman onesie. Lorelei loves Wonder Woman. She is totally Lorelei's favorite!

My mother says that Lorelie inherited my husband William and mine's nerdiness. I would have to say she just might be correct. Nerdtastic!!

Now...back to work...ugh...
