NaNoWriMo: Reflecting on an Adventure in Writing Dangerously

And now for something completely different....


Yes. I live. And I thought I would do a little something different with the blog. I want to share with you NaNoWriMo, (National Novel Writing Month) and my journey through this grind of story writing. I have done NaNoWriMo four times and Camp NaNoWriMo at least 2 times. Each time, I learn something new and grow as a writer.
Essentially…I survived. Again. Throughout the whole process, I was just keeping my head above water when I was struggling for my word count goal. In the past, I would have freaked out. I would have been kicking myself for not being focused enough. I would be kicking my husband for pestering me as I try to write. Now I am just happy to write. I have accepted the fact that as a married mom of two who works a full forty hour work week, there is not a lot of time for writing. So, I make work my writing in whenever I can. I write on my breaks at work and then late into the evening. I was able to find a really amazing app so I write on my phone a majority of the time. When NaNoWriMo was over, I transferred it all over to my computer/flash drive. Which, let me say, was a slightly terrifying and scary process.
Let me be honest. The piece I’m working on, well, it’s an unfinished project. It’s got like two more chapters left. I can feel it. I mean, I want to finish my post-apocalyptic wanderlust filled with mercenaries, clones, and evil corporations. I have other stories that are chomping at the bit begging to be writing. I got a super hero tale, a contemporary romance with a twist, a steampunk paranormal mystery, a fantasy screenplay with a bit of political overtones to it. OH! And a completed novel and screenplay that need to be edited. Busy busy busy bee! So I really want to finish this project (tentatively called The End is Nigh. Dumb title, I don’t like it, but I needed something to fill the space).
But you know what? I love it! I love the creative process. I plug my headphones in, crank up my music, and just get lost. I love the multiple people walking around in my head screaming and yelling to be brought to life and live out wonderful adventures. Any writer will tell you that we put a little bit of ourselves and the people around us into our tales. I love being tortured by my characters and then in return putting them through the ringer. It truly is writing dangerously.
Really though…is there any other way to write? I mean, I’m are submerging myself in a make believe world of my own creation. Some would see this as the development of being a crazy person. But, maybe I am. But that’s writing dangerously. Writing dangerously is allowing the written word to sallow you whole and take you down the rabbit hole. As writers, you force yourself to make the wound bigger, to poke and prod and dissect a range of situations and how human emotions react to them.
I will only write dangerously. I mean, there’s no other way. I want to write something that matters to me, but I also want others to read what I write and either get what I’m trying to say. Or, perhaps they take my words and see a different path.
For me, NaNoWriMo time allows me to not have any excuses. I am forced to stick to a regimented schedule to reach a goal. This is writing dangerously as well. It’s like Mission: Impossible for writers. WILL I REACH 50,000 WORDS IN A MONTH?!

I might not be finished with my novel…but I did meet my word count.



If you are a writer or interested in writing, I give you this advise: just do it. Don’t be afraid. Get that idea that has been nagging you out on paper. Is it going to be amazing right off the back? Heaven’s no! I look back at my stuff and just laugh at it. BUT, my idea was there. It’s just waiting to be refined. Massaged. Manhandled and Caressed into something wonderful. It can be done. Read. Listen to Music. Take a Walk. Find a writing buddy. Do whatever you need to do to stay inspired and to pursue the sometimes solitary world of writing.
I know this blog post was a bit of ramble, but I wanted to share with everyone the strange beast of NaNoWriMo and what it does to me every year. It makes me mad enough to howl at the moon. And as long as it’s around. I’ll be participating.
Thank you so much for swinging by. More reviews and blog tours to come. 2016 is going to be an amazing year filled with books and writing. I can feel it in my bones….my leg bones…my arm bones… (and thank you for those that get the Bob’s Burgers reference there. I love that show….)

Remember to always be yourself. Unless you can be a pirate…then always be a PIRATE!
